Octava Defence
Our cybersecurity solutions
We provide access to the latest cybersecurity practices when you need this
We create a “turnkey” SOC, taking into account individual business features
Give advantages from continuous monitoring, investigation and rapid response to cyber threats
Чому ми?
Octava Defence - це більше, ніж просто захист
Octava Defence надає послуги з постійного моніторингу, розслідування та оперативного
реагування на кіберзагрози, а також аутсорсинг рутинного процесу моніторингу
ІТ-інфраструктури та отримання доступу до професійних кібераналітиків
для реалізації процесів розслідування та реагування
Why us?
Octava Defence - is more, than just defence
Octava Defence provides services for ongoing monitoring, investigation and rapid response to cyber threats, as well as outsourcing the routine process of monitoring IT infrastructure and gaining access to professional cyber analysts to implement investigation and response processes

We perform a full cycle of work with cyber threats: monitoring and analysing events, participating in investigations, recommending responses and eliminating the causes of threats.

Increased the effectiveness of the use of existing cybersecurity tools, ensured event monitoring, detection of potential complex threats 24/7. proactive response and prevention of cyberattacks.

Relieved the team of non-core tasks, provided end-to-end infrastructure monitoring, threat detection and prevention, and prompt response to cybersecurity incidents.
Octava Defence

«Thanks to Octava Defence, we detect and stop attacks long before they spread»
Vyacheslav Nehoroshikh

«Cooperation with Octava Defence provides a reliable result - a significant long-term increase in cyber resilience, regardless of the types of threats»
Sergey Lukyanenko
СІSO of LIGA Group

«Using SOC as a service from Octava Defence is captivating in that it allows you to quickly get an independent team of experts and ready-made cybersecurity processes. At the same time, use them in sufficient amount for the organization»
Aleksandr Atamanenko
CISO of Octava Group
Do you have any questions?
Write to us
Contact us

Sales department
+38 044 538 00 45

General questions
+38 044 538 00 40


Central office